Saturday, January 10, 2009

Elder Trenton Smith and Elder first companion excellent missionay!!!

Elder Smith was standing on a couple of bricks!!!, not really ...he is taller than me , but I could not ask for a better companion to start my mission, he has been an excellent companion, he is the Distrct Leader in my Area.

Taking the official picture for the Big Board!!!

For a brief moment I had my last chance to take a picture for the big board just moments before I was assigned my first companion Elder.....

The previous picture was a Dress Rehearsal only!!!

Elder Zepeda got lost and is having fun while trying to figure out where they are at!!!

Some songs in Spanish for the Christmas Program

Elder Zepeda singing is Spanish , For the Christmas program , practice with other Elders

Elder Zepeda with President and Sister Torres

President Torres and his wife came to the Airport to welcome Elder Zepeda, next day a brief stay in the Mission Home and immediately assigned to his new area in San Pedro Ayumpuc, about an hour north of the capital Guatemala City.

Friday, January 09, 2009

November 23,2008 Elder Zepeda arrived at Guatemala City

Ha sido una bendicion tener su hijo, el Elder Zepeda con nosotros en la mision Guatemala cuidad de Guatemala Norte. El esta trabajando en la capital en un pueblo de nombre San Pedro Ayumpuc. Su primer compañero el Elder Trenton Smith es un misionero excelente. Mañana recibirá el Elder Ochoa de Honduras como compañero, otro misionero excelente. Gracias por mandar un joven tan bien preparado para servir el Señor como misionero.
Les mando unos fotos que he tomado de su hijo espero que les gusta.
Presidente David J. Torres